Friday, March 27, 2009

Early Morning Wake-Up Calls

People with diabetes that use all the new technology out there know all the familiar sounds. Beep, buzz, beep beep beep buzz buzz more frequently....until you can't ignore the sounds and vibrations anymore. My 5AM wake-up call was my Omnipod going off. First the pod, then the PDA...then the pod again...then the get the gist right? I'm thinking in I'm in a dream state, and then realize that it has expired and I need a new one. After the first alarm warning, you have about 8hrs. to change it. I was at the 8th hour. Whoops! I counted the hours wrong the night before. When I'm using my Navigator it's worse! That thing beeps louder than my alarm and wakes up the least the one that can hear still. Yes, I know that is why it's alarm the world that Nancy is low again. When it happens at work I get the response of..."you okay?" "Do you need some insulin?" (Yeah, that's always a good you want to see Nancy pass out, fall down the stairs and have an ambulance come and wonder what the hell that pod is on my arm...because they won't know!! Co-workers will tell them an insulin pump, and they will say, what??) Followed by the response.."Do you need some candy?" I love that one:) I'm am trying harder then the dickens to not treat with candy anymore and keep a jar of glucose tabs in my station....but like the candy response. Some people are finally getting it after 10 years of this. Realize that I appreciate all the care and concern they have, but damn...can I just shut off the alarms so the everyone in the salon isn't alerted to my diabetes??

P.S. Before you comment...I know I can shut alarms off:) But I need to hear them still.

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