Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ohhhhh It's Cold Out There!

The last race of the year is just 5 short days away and my thoughts are on goals for next year already. I feel the need to have significant ambitions this coming year...as it will be my 40th birthday come August. How's that for a mid-life crisis?? I guess athletic achievements for a mid-lifer is better then the usual mid-life crisis behavior. But I suppose you should ask Brent....if I want my aspirations to come true, I will be training, and training A LOT! I'm not saying anything out loud yet....but stay tuned!

I digress......it really is very cold out there and I'm not looking forward to the cold swim I'm in for on Sunday. And for that matter, I'm a bit nervous about doing the Olympic distance...but mainly because of the run. I just read someones race report from doing Ironman Wisconsin and he talked all about pacing himself on the bike. That was a good reminder for me. I must pace myself. I'm prepared...I know the bike course pretty well. A few good climbs and false flats. I drove the run course today and it looks to be slightly rolling, but pretty flat.

So what mantra will I use to get me through this race? I will not let the negative thoughts stay in my head! The blood sugars will be perfect! (Thanks to the new Dexcom birthday present...thanks Mom & Dad!) I know I can do it...because I have before. So what's my mantra going to be???? Maybe it'll be"Act as of if it were impossible to fail". My good friend Tony told me to read my email signature more often, so I guess that might be appropriate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your last race of the season. And, Happy 40th! Would love to know what that mid-life ambition is. Sounds exciting!

Take care,
