Saturday, June 23, 2007

The 2nd Last Day

The worlds smallest triathlon happened again! Our run coach, Ray, had his strategy of taping his feet so he wouldn't have to put his shoes on. Graham, his assistant, decided to run the bike portion...he figured he could out run them all and did a pretty good job! Jay wore his helmet in the pool to save time. Veronica(nutrition/medical staff), Michelle(fitness/exercise physiologist), and Carrie(sports psychology) had an awesome team in the relay division. The only coach that didn't cheat was Celeste our fabulous swim coach! Our fearless head coach Nicole wore running shoes for the whole thing...swim and all...and took home the prize! It was a photo finish with Celeste and Jay...quite the sprint! I also heard there was some boxing going on in the everyone!! Who ever said our staff wasn't competitive??!! I have the pics to prove it!

Only 4-5 us did ours...I think I was first out of the pool....but that didn't mean anything for sure! I think we all laughed more than anything.

The last official all camper gathering was much like last year. Teary eyed for many.....and for our diabetes guru Matt. Is he overwhelmed at our response to him, or to just the overall experience? Maybe both. Campers where calling him a life savior. Clearly we diabetics are not getting the information we need. They, much like me last year, learned things they had never heard before. (A great refresher for me!) And some of them have been living with diabetes for 20+ years. How do we slip through the cracks? Are we too much effort for the physicians we see? Are we really not the typical T1 diabetic? To find a doctor so willing to put the puzzle together with us is a gift. There are so many pieces to it that someone like Matt...AND the amazing staff he put together...have the passion and willingness to sit down and put plans into action with us.

This is the 2nd last day of camp I've experienced...does that make sense?? The first time around was pretty profound, and I feel like this year the feeling is blunted in some way. I expected it to be different for me, and I can't quite put it into words. It took me 5 hours to get to my half way point in my drive home, and I had a lot of time to think. Here are a few thoughts....
Very different group this year..not bad...actually I think good. I saw people gain confidence in their abilities with diabetes and with fitness. I heard..."I haven't rode a bike since I was a kid, and I loved it!" "I'm getting a new bike!" " I'm going to find a yoga class!"
The people were stand out!!! The friendship with my roomie has grown and I'm not letting that go. I need more people like Mari in my life....not to mention her brother Marty. I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time! Insert photo here....Nicole, Mari, Matt, Marty...

I heard more then once that I...yes me....I was an inspiration to the others. Funny....their courage inspired me. They tried things they have never done before and really pushed themselves. With the diabetes and the athletics. You've got to admire that! Anyway...very flattering to have that said to you, and makes me really want to move in that direction. I never really thought that I could inspire others...but I think I found my niche with fellow diabetic athletes!

Ohhhh, I'm Tired

Well last night ended up too late for this early bird! I slept in a bit and missed a swim while my great friend Mari went on with her brother to dunk in the pool. I went a bit later to meet up with them to meet the cycling group at the park. Outstanding ride. A little too much traffic for my liking, but we did great! We got there just in time for the pacelining to begin! This! It was thrilling! My heart rate was way up there with all that intensity. I don't know that I stopped smiling once...I think I got bugs on my teeth! After the thrill was gone some of us rode back at a nice pace. Once I got back I really felt the lack of sleep. Usually I don't need much, but I believe this week is finally catching up with me. Am I getting too old for this $@%*??? Ok, bad statement...I'm SO not too old for this, just maybe not at this pace huh?

At this point Mari and I are fried, so we ate and decided to skip Jay's speech, lecture, whatever you'd like to call it, and take a nap. Apparently we missed a good one, at least that's what most people said....pretty inspirational. Oh...the pillow was calling me though. So I really don't nap well, and when I wake up I'm usually worse then before. But this was a risk I was willing to take...and after a 2 hr. HARD nap I woke up...yep...worse. The shower helped a bit...then dinner helped a bit more, but still not a 100%. I have to get it together because we are going on a field trip tonight!

Around 7:30 we all head out to go to the Lehigh Valley Velodrome. It is world renowned, and if you have never witnessed track cycling...crazy fast and very strategic.
This photo is of 11 yr old girls...the one in the front won. She was fast...geezzz!

We got home around 9:30...not so early tomorrow, so this will be good!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Woke up pretty refreshed today. More like rested. I decided to take it easy. Recover from yesterdays activities. Had a great swim this morning! Put it all together. Did a lot more swimming this time. We also got to review are swimming video from the first day, and compare it to today’s video. Boy, just when I get one thing ironed out another pops up. I’m going to swim tomorrow to get the legs in order!

Relaxation! AHHHHHH! Had about an 1 1/2 hours to just chill out. I need it too. Chatted with campers and staff, snacked, etc. Now I have not mentioned any sports psychology and not because it hasn't been good...just because I missed that session a couple of days ago for my VO2 test. Today she had us doing a little teamwork exercise. Did peoples personalities come out in force on this one! You certainly learned who wanted to be boss quickly! From there it was lunch.

In the afternoon I decided to take a nice recovery run with the run group. Only 3 of us. That was nice. It was to be a nice tempo workout at 70-80% of your max heart that's slow and steady for me. I tried a new plan with my insulin and fuel with Matts advice...we'll see how that goes. Nice 15 min. warm up...20 min tempo...20 min. cool down. Perfect!! Beautiful park, great temperature...great afternoon! Blood sugars kept dropping low during because of the lower intensity. One Gu and part of a bag of Mike and Ikes candy took care of that, and at the end of the run I was in a perfect range! Now this wouldn't remain the trial and error is the life of a diabetic, so Nancy must be flexible and go with it and stick with the plan I set up with our leader. I trust I continue.

We were asked to be part of a focus group for Matt this afternoon. It seemed to be for new product design stuff. Our group kept going left and right of that subject, but we always came back. Interesting stuff...I wonder what will come of that.

Tabouli??!! What a dinner for the veggie tonight! I also got some eggplant veggie something or other. Awesome! It feels like home...someone cooking for me.

Matt had a terrific lecture on exercise induced hypoglycemia...technical...great....I won't do the details!

Got back to the hotel and got hoodwinked into going for a drink...which is what I had...1...really...but I stayed on until 1ish and laughed my head off. There are some funny people here!

Hittin' It

Hittin hard today! I decided…with great timing…to do all three disciplines today. Up at 6:30 to do a 7:30 swim. Drills, form, drills, form…more of the same, but not in a bad way. Fine tuning if you will! Things are clicking just like last year, but better. I wish I could compare the video from last year to this year. It felt so much better. I’m going to really try not to abandon it this time. I really feel as if I have the drills and knowledge base. Might have to find a Total Immersion class somewhere to help along the way, but much improved!

The lecture before lunch was about basic carb counting and fueling before, during, and after exercise. Jay Hewitt…Ironman, Type1…gave some tips on what he does and what products he uses. Good info there. Then taste testing some foods the girls made for us. YUM!

Off to lunch and time to rest…went back to the hotel to drop some stuff off, and chill. Not much time there…the maid was cleaning the room. Would have liked to lay down for a bit. I’m a diehard…who needs a stinkin rest right??? I made it back, hopped on my bike and hit the road with the group. Maybe 7-8 of us. Nicole(head coach) and Jay were at the helm and led us over to the Rodale Fitness Park. There is a 1 mile paved track for riding, roller blading, running, etc there. Same place as last year. If my memory was serving we were in for some pacelining. Yep…I was right! It went way better for me then last year, which made it even more fun. I just love it when I feel like I’m doing well. No, I’m not competitive at all!!! (Creatively place sarcasm) We had a nice easy ride back for a total of about 17 miles. Felt nice to actually get some time on the bike. I loved the drill work, but was itching to get my legs moving.

The minute of our return our guru Rick Crawford started his lecture. Started out with Team Type 1. Unfortunately no great detail because of a time issue. But we have our returning camper from last year, Andy, that was on the team this year and I got to talk to him a bit. Super nice guy, and wicked on the bike. His words….”It was hard!” Need I say more? The strategy was to put each guy out there for a push for 25 min. or so. And I mean push…all out. And keep rotating teammates until the finish. Lots of planning…lots of strategy. Very cool. Hope to hear more about it. Not one problem with the diabetes among any off them. WOW!

Now last year’s food…not so good right? This year I am apparently the only vegetarian, so the wonderful chef has been cooking me my own meals at night. Last night was a veggie quinoa. Who would have thought he would have known what quinoa was? I mean it’s only the cafeteria at the college. I think I’m getting couscous tomorrow. I’m hungry already!

After dinner, and still without a shower, we went over to the lecture hall for our guest speaker, Will Cross. A type 1 who has successfully summited Everest. Not to mention many, many other climbs. Very inspirational. Amazing story. Tried 2 other times before he succeeded. He had some special NASA material to keep his insulin in to keep it from freezing.

Now I’m toast! Need to go back and sleep! My body needs a can of soda first then my head is hitting the pillow. Lights out!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Is Today Tuesday?

Today I can remember!

Not so early wake up today. Mari and I decided to eat here at the hotel instead, which is much better food, so no need to get up at the crack of dawn. After that we headed over to our meeting area at the Rodale Aquatic Center here in Allentown. I was suppose to go with the run group in the morning. but quickly decided to go cycling instead. That turned out to be a great decision on my part. Only 4 of us! Jacob(yet another young funny boy), Mari, and her brother Marty(yes he's diabetic too) Off to a parking lot we went. Now I'm freakin out because last year was a little disheartening for me. The realization that I'm not a bike handler was hard. But were a small group and maybe I'll get more time? Absolutely true. I can pick up a water bottle while riding, jump, and corner like nobodies business...oh and I can go with no hands now. Why was that easier as a kid??? Key...overcoming the fear factor. What kid has fear I guess. Anyway, worth the price of the ticket!

Usual lunch. Rick Crawford finally came out of his sleep deprived coma and joined us. He was with Team Type 1 while doing RAAM. Look forward to hearing more of those stories soon! He was suppose to talk tonight, but time got away from us with a great lecture by our fearless leader Matt...more on that later, or maybe not...very technical, I'm not sure I even get it yet!

I'm hittin the pool again! This time backstroke. Nice to change it up. Very similar to the crawl, but on your back....duh! Ok, more to it then that, but you get it.

VO2max test!!!! Nervous? Naw, not me! (Note sarcasm here) I got out of the pool with a low blood sugar and did a bunch of correcting then onto the bike for the test! I got all hooked up and started pedaling. 15-20 min. later I'm done...sweating like a pig. The results were pretty much the same as last year, but Rick will go over them later with me. I guess I had hoped it would get Perfectionist?

Last....we had a sponsored dinner at a TGI Fridays. Forgive me I forget the company. We all let loose a little bit. Laughed a lot. That was nice!

Gotta sleep...over and out!


Let's talk Monday! Ok, let's see if I can remember Monday! Swim in the AM...awesome. Did a ton of drill work then put it all together. I am one with the water now! Maybe two with the water anyway.

VERY hot today...I stress VERY!!! After lunch I headed out for a run with our new coach this year, Ray, who happens to be diabetic also. Big plus in my book. The plan was to do 800m intervals at a sub max heart rate. In other words...HARD! In that heat was a real challenge. We all made it through a warm-up, 3 sets, then a cool down. YIKES! Even with dunking my arms and legs in the ice bucket that had all the Gadorade and water I was still hot.

Ok this is so not in order of things happening. I'm sitting here in my room with my friend Mari and she is reminding of all I've done. She can remember, why can't I?

I got hooked up to a continuous glucose monitor again. I know I have one now of my own, but hey I figure I'll use up their sensors at $35 a pop right? Lot's of pain and anguish with that. Problems getting it to work..3 sticks to put sensors in...yada, yada...but all is good in the world now and getting readings all day.

Ray, run coach, spoke about his career before diabetes and about his diagnosis and career with diabetes. Great stories and a great coach. He has an assistant with him...Graham..very funny, very young. Kids today!

Technical you want to hear them?

First Full Day!

This is a day late and a dollar short...this will be VERY brief...I'm flyin out the door to dinner.
Yep...that's that! See you tomorrow!
Ok...seriously...I'll update tonight.....hopefully. More of the same late hours as last year.
Just know that I can't believe I've learned more already!
By the way...feel free to leave me comments...I'd love to hear from anyone who is bored, or enthused of my escapades! But be nice:)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Check in Time!

Does anyone ever sleep in a hotel room??? Maybe it was too much caffeine, but I really didn't sleep well last night. So I was up early to start my 5 hr. drive into Allentown...or to be more specific Lehigh Valley. Near the end of the drive you hit a tunnel through a mountain. I thought those were only out west! This Michigan girl thought it was cool. I'm amused so easily!

Obviously I made it here fine. A lot of sitting today waiting for things to officially start. Campers were arriving all day. I was able to get my underwater swim video done with Celeste (same coach as last year). I'm not sure when we'll see it, but I got some great advice already. I abandoned the Total Immersion style half way through the year...mostly for fear I would pick up bad habits with no one instructing me. A few words from Celeste and I'm back on track. Maybe I can make it stick this time!

There was a small ice breaker with Carrie our sports psychologist...always fun. Now if I can just remember everyones names. I'm sure, like last year, I'll remember them by the end of camp.

I got to meet a fellow Type 1 Rider! Yea!! I thought I would never meet any of them. Beth is very nice and I look forward to riding with her soon! Tony you are next on my list!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Almost there

After a semi-long day of work, I headed home to finish packing and pay favorite thing in the world to do. (Are you noting the sarcasm??) I got out the door around 4:30 and have arrived here in Hermitage, PA around 9pm. Easy drive. I'm so glad I decided to go half way this year instead of the full 10 hours. Now I'm chillin' out and going to bed soon so I can start the drive early tomorrow.

For anyone interested...check out how the RAAM(Race Across America). Team Type 1 is leading the corporate division, and going for the record I'm sure. Then there's Kerry White who's leading the women's solo division with type 1 diabetes also. She will be the first type 1 to finish in the solo category! I'm truly amazed...she is one tough cookie!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tour de Cure

The Tour de Cure came up fast on me this year! Would have really liked to ride the new pony, but since I was riding with many people, some experienced and some not, I decided not to. Safety issue I suppose. Thanks to Jim and Shannon for riding with me on such a beautiful day. Couldn't have asked for better conditions. Big congrats to my friend Tony, the mastermind behind Type 1 Rider, to a HUGELY successful Tour de Cure in North Carolina. It happened to be the very same weekend as ours here in Michigan. Love to have more of us in all the states!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I've taken possesion!

It's been a very long time in coming! I actually have my new bike, and it's beautiful! I need a few saddle adjustments for comfort, but other then that it's wicked fast. Considering I was on a road bike for's wicked fast! So I'm trying to get some miles on it before my first race, which I hope to do in July. This month is going to be crazy. I'm off to Diabetes Training Camp again on Saturday...stay tuned for the latest and greatest as I go get my butt kicked and pay for it!