Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Goal Breakdown

I think my goals will get too long for one post, but I will try to break them down one by one as best as I can so I don't bore all of you!:)

There have been some changes in my goals since I last wrote about them. Some have been accomplished, some have been tweaked, and some are just ongoing struggles! Here is how they looked back in September, and where I'm at with them now:
  1. Go for my ACSM certification. Adding to my CI-CPT (Cooper Institute-Certified Personal Trainer) Still in the works, and have added getting my USAC Coaching License, and will be finished soon!
  2. Get my Spinning Certification. Need to get some experience in group exercise! Finished this one in the winter!! YAY!
  3. Find a part-time personal training position to gain more experience. This would mean I have time to do it..which I really don't right now, but still a goal.
  4. Do one race...yes ONE, with Tony! Maybe mtn., maybe a triathlon relay...hmmmm. Hmmmmm still:) Would love to do the Tour de Cure with him down in N.C. Need to win the Lotto!
  5. Better time management. I have so many things going on now and I need to prioritize! Oh boy, this is a biggie. Actively working on this one as we speak!
  6. More strength training!!!! Not my favorite thing to do and it always has to be a goal. I started out great, and have fallen off the wagon..again! Hopping back on now.
  7. Don't sweat the small stuff. *Sigh* Yes, yes, a work in progress.
  8. Oh yeah....don't forget that I have a husband and family! See number 5!
To be true to my type A personality, I have added some goals:
  1. As I will have more time for myself...see #5 above...I will spend it doing more things that I enjoy, and have missed. Yes, that enjoyment may be with my training, but will also be with my husband, and my sewing machine.
  2. Try not to beat myself up mentally. I can be SO good at making myself guilty for doing or not doing things.
  3. I have been working with Colorado Premier Training as a Resident Coach. I have one athlete with a goal of more. Rick is da man! I will pressure for more time with his brain! He gets the whole diabetes/athlete thing, and is a coach for DTC.
  4. This is a big one for me...need to concentrate on my own diabetes again. Everything could be better...see #2.
  5. Racing: Hopefully Steelhead Half IM again, and 3 Olympic distances, and the Tour de Cure here in Michigan. All depends on the $$$$.
Those are the ones that are in the front of my mind, and I beleive are attainable. Some I will always be working on..i.e. all the mental stuff. There is a theme to my goals..look close. It's only when you write them all down that you see that. In a nutshell...life balance. My training has taken a back seat to all the other things I'm involved with, and while I enjoy doing it all to a certain extent, I very much miss the training. My body misses the training. Just being out on my bike, or a long run does wonders for my mind and of course my blood sugars. All of which makes me happier, and I'm sure Brent would agree, easier to live with:)

The ol' saying...All work and no play....


Mike said...

Good luck!!! You can do it Nancy!!!! :)

Saci said...

After reading your goals I looked up Tour de Cure. I was planning on doing the Motor City Triathlon that weekend, but I'm now considering doing the 100 miles at the Brighton event. Or... do Motor City and then drive to Middleville the following weekend?