Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lows in the Grocery Store & Squat Torture

No, I wasn't doing squats in the grocery store..I'm just blogging 2 days into one post. Although that would be one way to multi-task!! The next DVD buzz will be.."Better Buns While Shopping For Buns" out P90X! is my real post:
At least when you have a low in a grocery store you don't have to search your purse high and low for sugar! The downside is that there is way too much to choose from in the environment. I showed a tremendous amount of restraint..with the help of Brent. "Put down the Ho Ho's". I really didn't have them in hand, but he knows where my mind goes. I settled for the Sprite in the checkout line, and this contributed to one of the few successes I had with not over treating a low. It brought it back up to a respectable level, although I did make him drive home. I was a good diabetic that day:) I will take pride in the achievement!!
The Boot Camp..P90Xish class done at my gym took as much strength and willpower as it did to put the Ho Ho down. Great class, and something like that will make you realize very fast that you aren't as in shape in some areas as you thought. Try doing 5 minutes of squats with the only break being in the squat position for 15 sec. while your legs shake. I wouldn't call that rest at all...but a form of rest I suppose. I understand why we were doing that, and have to remember what kind of results it I won't bitch:) While doing the mountain climbers, I remind myself that I voluntarily showed up at I won't bitch:) The torture left me walking a bit funny, and now will go on to do an endurance swim. With NO kick drills!
This should be a good day.

1 comment:

Scott K. Johnson said...

Oh man. Lows in the grocery store are very hard for me to deal with! I end up buying enough crap to last me a lifetime!! :-)