Friday, May 30, 2008

Sleeping In Feels So Good

Ooooh, and it does! I'm a morning person, so sleeping in for me is 6:30-7, and this week I've had a chance to do a lot of it. I've had a rather slow week at work so that let's my training come in during later morning hours. I have been really liking getting up to eat breakfast, then 2 hours later I can get a good workout in. There is something to be said about fueling up before a long run! I usually just throw myself out the door in the morning, and maybe eat a Balance Bar. This is new for me, and I like it. My run yesterday was great! I mean awesome great!

The sun was out, it was 65ish degrees, NO tights....but shorts and a t-shirt on! This was already setting up to be a wonderful run. My blood sugar was 160ish after 10gms., I had my Ipod on, and my water bottle holder that carries Powergels, Skiddles, always, my meter.....I walk out and start the planned 1:20min. run.
I have a few markers on my route that are my bg check stops. The BIG tree is one, and I stretch there too. It is at about 2.5 miles. Blood sugar is staying even at 165, but I knew I had some insulin on board still and that worried me a bit, so I took in half of a gel. Legs felt aches or pains...OR tight calves, which seems to be a consistent problem for me when I increase my mileage.
Next of BIG hill. Yeah, an excuse right? But it really is a legitimate stop! I realize I have a problem now...that gel I only ate half of is now all over my hands, which means if I test with all that sugar on them it will give me a VERY high, and very inaccurate number. So I'm now on the search for a sprinkler on someones lawn. How's that for creative thinking? Thank goodness I found one on the next block and another check has me at 142. Glad I ate that gel...which helps more then just the blood sugar, but keeps you from bonking. If I'm going for 1:20min., and it's going this well, there is no way I want to bonk!
I'm trying not to be too surprised at how I am feeling, and focus on enjoying the moment. I have about 20 min. left to go and I changed up the music and went for it. I got home and my final time was 1:15:36. Now normally I would go back out to get the last 5 min. in....we all know I'm anal like that... but I had a feeling my mileage was around 8, and didn't want to increase that until next week. (Very slow increases in mileage=NO injuries) Blood sugar ended in the same range as when I started. Who could ask for anything more?! Thanks to MapMyRun, it was 8 miles. Good guess on my part.

Just one question....Now what happens when I go back to a regular work load and can't sleep in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy, it sounds like training is going well for you :) I like the sound of your run, especially the big hill part. I really dislike riding my bike up hills but for some reason, I like running up them.

I can't wait to find out what the answer to your question is ;)