Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Continued

Ride, walk, eat, walk, grocery store, run 4.5 what?? Geezzz, where do I find the time?

So I met up with Steve again for a nice recovery ride. I stress recovery here. After 40 miles yesterday, the 20 we did today was welcome. (Can you say "oh my ass" again?) I tried to focus on slow easy climbs, and luckily the area we were riding didn't have many. We finished up early, and Steve decided to go for a short run. I, on the other hand, wanted to run longer this afternoon after breakfast and a rest. Brent and I decided to walk up to breakfast to find that the restaurant was closed. Then walked a block to another one...which was open...thank you. I fueled up and didn't bolus for all of it because of the run I wanted to go on.
I got home and got in the car to Whole Foods. By the way...I HATE grocery shopping. But the alternative is Brent not cooking for me if I don't of course I go.
Home again, and suit up for the long run. Yes, my full intention was to go the 7 mile range. But it got hot here in Michigan! I mean hot and humid! This bod isn't use to that, and the run was a struggle. I even had water with electrolytes in it, but it still was pretty painful. I wasn't so salty at the end of the 4.5 miles, so the water mix must have worked, but it did nothing for the energy.
Ok, it was a long weekend filled with activity, and I could be just tired and haven't recovered enough from all of it....this I know. I guess I'll do a real recovery tomorrow...the pool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it out to enjoy the weekend! I made it out yesterday and today for a ride. I hear ya about the ass. Today all it said for the first 5 miles was "no mas". :)
