Thursday, February 28, 2008

Test Week Already?

Test week is here. Never look forward to the workouts, but I do look forward to seeing the results! I'll say it again...base is paying off...big time for me. My run test went great. My legs were a bit achy so I wasn't sure how it would go on Monday morning. I warmed up longer then usual because of it...which worked. With my iPod fully blasted, I did my 1 mile time trial in 8:13. Geeezzz....where did that come from??? Last month it was 8:34. Base, base, base I'll tell ya! I am so geeked about this! My running last year was very this is tremendous!

Tuesday was the swim time trial. 1000 meters at race effort. My swimming has been getting much stronger and I'm anticipating something good. Or just hoping for it! I warmed up with 400m, and took a quick break before I started. Oh how I wish I had a waterproof mp3 player. These swims would be so much more motivating! Got into my groove and started to count laps. Why is it I always loose track of that? I count by 100m now. That seems to be easier. The last 100m I tried to really light the fires, and the final time was 17:57. That was an improvement from the 18:25 last month! Base, base, base I'll tell ya!

I will never doubt base training again! It may be boring, but my muscles are loving the mitochondria!!!

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