Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Week...And Some More Snow

Yeah, it’s been a while again! Let’s go back to Sunday for the 2 hour trainer ride…again! I definitely feel like all the base work is paying off. Granted the 2 hours are boring, but it is getting easier to push the harder gears. This winter just seems to be dragging on and on, and all I want to do is get outside and ride…not to mention running. The ice has been killer! I’ve had a few spills on the ice in the past and it’s so not worth the risk. We can’t afford to have an injury!

The numbers were great for this ride! I’m getting to know how things are working for that same ol’ indoor ride. It went like this:

Ate 10 grams
Bolus .4 units…then off I went!
9:25-133…start sipping on that G2 I love so much now, and lowered basal rate to .25, which is 30% of my normal.
9:55-103…still drinking, along with lots of water.
End of 2 hours-104…basal rate back to normal.

I should really track how many carbs I’m drinking….I’ll do that this weekend! I’m actually curious about that. You would think I would have done that already.

By the way...this is what Casey looks like while I ride. Life is rough!

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