Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Where For Art Thou?

Where have I been do you ask? Ever have one of those week where you don't know where the time went or what you did? You now know how my week was. Nothing bad...just busy I guess.

By the way...thanks for the pizza tips. Believe me...I've tried for years to get it right...square wave...dual wave. The only thing that works is eating 1 piece and a lot of salad. I can manage that. Just not the 2-10 pieces I would love to eat and make myself sick with. Wouldn't that be fun? I actually can't remember the days before the diabetes and eating anything I wanted. I look at that as a good thing. I've always said that my diagnosis has made me a healthier person. Do I miss some foods?? Of course, but you always find a way to squeak them in! So I just don't stuff myself silly with pizza.

Ok...now I want pizza!

What did I do to work off that pizza? This was a long time after the pizza fiasco. In fact it was Sunday. I strayed from the usual long bike trainer workout because of the nice weather we are FINALLY having here in Michigan. I have really needed to get outside and run. It was awesome getting off that treadmill. Doing 7 miles on a treadmill is boring no matter what music you have. I was a bit surprised to see that my heart rate was a little high for the intensity of the run. But then I thought better of it and realized that it was because I was outside......AND hilly I might add..... that it was high. No struggling, just a nice pace for the first run outside in a long time. Why so long? I've had a few slips on the ice in the past and it's not worth the risk when I'm all about this Half IM. I can take the cold, just not the slick surfaces.....just to clear things up for any of you who think I'm a wimp!

I've had another test week since I wrote last. All the times were close to the same...within seconds. No major improvements. It's alway a joy seeing the blood sugar fly up after a 1 mile all out test. Instead of giving myself a bolus early to help control that, I just run at a good aerobic HR for another half hour or so. That day I ran for 7 miles...so it was a long warm-up, test, run. That works out well. If you are ever worried about your bg's running low during a workout, do a few sprints and watch that soar! I've done the sprints in the pool too...but that's a whole other issue when you get out of the pool, haven't had any insulin in a hour, you did sprints because your bg's were a little low. That will have to be another post!

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