Thursday, June 15, 2006

Day 2

Where do I begin today? It's late...about 11pm. Very busy today. I think all my postings will be late or early in the AM.

Started with the usual breakfast then to analyze my swim stroke....and surprise, it was an underwater taping! This can be good and bad. I did find out I wasn't all that bad. I stay pretty flat in the water. No backside sinking. Nice!

Michelle, a real upbeat diabetic trainer, led the whole group in a 20 min. "warm-up" for the day. Sit-ups, plyometric stuff,etc. Pretty cool to see all the pumps jumping around. Have I mentioned I'm with my cronies?

Celeste, the Total Immersion swim coach is great. After going over a video on how to do the drills right, we were in the pool for an hour. Learned a lot. (I think I'm going to say that a lot the rest of the week!) This is a completly a new way of swimming for me, but I totally felt the difference. You glide through the water in the "fishlike" way. I might not apply all of what I've learned this race season, but will work hard to incorporate the full technique for next. It has been a challenge for sure, but there is a sweet spot, kind of like in a golf swing I guess. Once you feel it, you know!

Carrie is our sports psych coach. As you can imagine...very enthusiastic women. We worked on goal setting. I thought I had goals until this session. Helped me set some that are realistic, and how to set the "little" goals that will make me succed. When I signed up for camp and saw that there would be a psych coach here I wasn't sure what I would get out of it....but have learned quite a bit about my training.......and for anyone that knows me well.....I also have some tools to work on my control freak nature. Just so you all know...most T1's are type it's not just me! Believe me!

Josh was the run coach, along with Kim who I mentioned before. We were introduced to the Pose running meathod. I have heard about it, but have ever seen it in action. Felt weird at first, but could be good with practice. Again, probably won't incorporate this until next season. I've got some great new stretches that Kim showed us! Running specific. I always get bored doing the same stuff....loved these!

Now there's Kris...she is the senior scientist at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute....WOW! She gave a talk on hydration. Very technical, so I won't bore all of you. But it didn't bore me! Tomorrow's will be on sweat rates...don't ya'll want to know about my sweat rate??!!

Now we come to the great stuff....if the rest wasn't already! Rick...who has trained the likes of Levi Leipheimer.....Jamie Whitmore(Xterra triathlete)...just to name two. (and Jim and Shannon....we did talk a little cycling trash, I'll have to fill you in on who he knows and who he predicts for the Tour this year!) Amazing talk on periodization. I could leave today with what I got from him. Simple equation really....just need to apply it! Base phase-zone 2, transition phase-zone 3, build phase-zone4-5 which is the lactic theshold stage. I know I've read, and B my "Yoda" probably already has me following it , but he put it in a way that was easier to understand.

The night finally ended with Dr. Matt. Great guy. Inspired by his neice who is a T1 diabetic...I think it was an emotional night for him. Maybe for all of us. Great presentation on hypoglycemia.....biology etc. Great stuff. Won't bore all you non-diabetic friends, but my T1 friends might be interested in it. I'll check in with ya'll later about it!

Must sleep! Early start again tomorrow. Are there spelling errors? Did I mention I need to sleep now?

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