Sunday, June 18, 2006

Final day

Today we got to pick what we wanted to work on. I chose to swim and have some transition practice. REALLY wanted to bike with Nicole, but they were going to be gone a few hours and I felt something was clicking with the swim and wanted to keep that going. That was a hard decision. The swim went great. Unfourtunatly I didn't have time to see the last video with it all put together, but it certainly felt a little more smooth and effortless.

Super duper mini tri...and mean VERY mini tri. One lap in the pool, one lap in parking lot, and out to a tree and back. Very fun, we all had our compeitive hats on. All out efforts. This turned out to be great transition practice. I learned to place things differently in my transition area. Try a better way. Seeing as I test my blood sugars at T1 and T2, time is only a small factor as that takes some time. But I guess you always look for ways to be faster. We did it 2 times with a rest in between of course. I think my fastest time was 3-4 min. My memory is failing from lack of sleep. But that gives you an idea on how short it was...or as I prefer how crazy fast I was! All the coaches went next. Incredible to watch them! Rick blew it away. No surprise to me. Nicole got a few penalties for wearing her bike shoes in the pool, and then running in them after the bike. Ok, really no penalties....but it was a hoot to watch. She is one funny chick! Everyone was laughing. I'll try to post some photos soon. I forgot my card reader at home.

Warm and fuzzy time! All the goodbyes and such. The last debrief of camp....we now call it the depantsing. I think I just made up that it a real one? Everyone had a chance to talk about their time here. I was getting the sense that most of us loved the commoradory...which happened pretty quick. I attribute that to my new friend Mari with her very personal story at the beginning of camp. That gave us all license to open up. I mean if she could talk about her diabetes struggle and cancer...why can't we talk about our "stuff" too. Everyone has a story, with our without diabetes, and there are some huge, incredible ones among the 25 people here.

I came here thinking I would be getting some great training, an did. I came here thinking I would meet like minded people, and did. I came here for more diabetes knowledge, and did. What I didn't expect was the emotional aspect of it all. What was I thinking? Was I blind? Of course there would be emotions involved. 25 T1 diabetics in a room, with the passion for exercise and knowledge.....and don't forget motivation, and most of all spirit! Lot's of energy in that room this week, and I'm bringing it all back with me. Our little diabetes bubble may have burst today as we all leave, but we've created a bond at the inaugural Stroke, Spin, Stride camp. To all my T1 friends out there...sign up fast next year. It will be the time of your life!

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